

Wireless IoT Retrofit

for IoT Radio Applications

Whitepaper "Wireless IoT Retrofit for IoT Radio Applications"

The first product version of an IoT solution in the field of sensor data and cloud connections is often derived directly from the proof of concept prototypes. A maker board with a suitable housing often forms the link between the sensor/actuator wireless interfaces and a cloud platform on the internet.

However, it is sometimes overlooked during product development that wireless functionality and security have a significant impact on the successful commercialisation of an IoT solution.

The white paper Wireless IoT Retrofit for IoT Radio Applications shows what needs to be considered in order to turn a prototype into a successful product, e.g. with the help of our "virtual" System-on-Module eDNP/8331.

Essentially, these four questions are addressed:

  1. How is a typical proof of concept (PoC) prototype created and what is usually ignored?
  2. What can be improved in the PoC prototype (e.g. cost optimisation of the bill of materials, producibility, vulnerabilities)?
  3. Which change requests usually arise during the market launch (e.g. internationalisation of wireless interfaces and certifications)?
  4. Which normative requirements for IoT assemblies should be addressed in any case?

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