
Apps for the IGW/936-L

Here you can find apps for the IGW/936-L to extend the range of functions.

For some of the apps we offer, a license is required, which you can request from our sales department.

Name/Link Licence Version Size
at-modem i Free 42.11 KB
javavm i Free 1.5.4 8.88 MB
mbpoll i Free 1.4.1-7849 26.71 KB
mrtu2mtcp i Free 1.1.1 17.7 KB
node-red-dashboard i Free 2.6.2 1.77 MB
node-red-function i Free 0.0.1 4.67 KB
node-red-iec101 i SSV 1.0.0 246.76 KB
node-red-iec104 i SSV 0.7.6 86 KB
node-red-iec104m i Free 0.1.0 45.58 KB
node-red-mbus i Free 2.0.0 114.79 KB
node-red-modbus2 i Free 2.1.2-9002 238.93 KB
node-red-modbus i Free 0.1.6 50.56 KB
node-red-opcua i SSV 0.0.8 164.75 KB
node-red-rtdc i Free 0.0.9 244.02 KB
node-red-rtdcbuffer i Free 0.0.14 22.62 KB
node-red-snap7 i Free 0.2.0 140.62 KB
node-red-snmp i Free 0.0.1 128.63 KB
node-red-storage i Free 0.0.1 540.1 KB
node-red-tools i Free 0.1.1 28.75 KB
node-red-vhpready i SSV 0.2.6 27.82 KB
node-red i Free 0.2.5 8.08 MB
openvpn i Free 2.4.9-r8877 1.58 MB
pcap-capture i Free 1.2 668.67 KB
python2.6 i Free 2.6.1 6.6 MB
python2.7 i Free 2.7.13 4.13 MB
syslog-service i Free 0.3 4.57 KB

Firmware for the IGW/936-L

Here you can find the current firmware for the IGW/936-L.

If you need an older version, please contact our sales department.

Name/Link Licence Version Size
igw936-firmware_3.17_9797.bin Free 3.17_9797 11.6 MB


Installation Guide

The following video shows how to install an app (here Node-RED) on an IGW/936-L.

WebUI-Login-Seite App hochladen und installieren Liste der installierten Apps
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Node-RED-App starten und konfigurieren Node-RED-Oberfläche öffnen Node-RED-Oberfläche
Step 4 Step 5 Done!

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